Thursday, 9 October 2014

More Ideas - Acoustic/Musical Sculpture.

So over the last while I have done yet more thinking, in particular again about what would be useful after university; I want my project to be appealing to employers or relevant to self employment.

I also was reminded of this video that I saw way back at the start of my time at Abertay,  something that blew my mind & that I was thinking about for some time after.

This falls into a fair number of my catagories. It's musical, it involves building & art. It would also be fantastic for the honours presentation if I could design af few instruments over the year. I will have to research lots of maths and acoustics, not to mention the history of musical instruments and indeed what defines a musical instrument. I this sense I think it would be a fascinating and worthwhile project.

A few of the main objectives I may face for this are more practicle than anything though. I already know that I will need tols and space to work, which can be tricky and costly at best. Some of the techniques I would have to undertake I believe actually involve licences, such as welding. Obviously crafting wooden instruments and other materials is possible. I have a meeting to discuss possiblities with James tomorrow so I will wait to see what he thinks of this path.

I also just tonight found this amazing company that specialise in interesting acoustic designs, for diffusion panels, which once again brought me back to the interactivity between art and sound.

ZR - Sample Rate 8 Bit Diffuser

I have also been continuing my research and practise with M4L, as regardless of whether I deem it to be a wise choice/neccessary for use in my Honours, I want to learn it and I will need this knowledge if I do end up going down that route. I am now t the stage where I can move around the program with ease and get very basic signal flow, however there are still some aspects that are unknown and rather daunting to say the least. Onwards and upwards, so they say....

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