Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Concept Development

So for the next two weeks the focus is on concept development. First off I think it would be useful to outline here what I identified in my research proposal as the main area's I need to focus on for completion.

Max 7 and Resolume are the platforms I have chosen for primary development of the system. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • I own a projector that I can use in my room for development. 
  • I own Ableton, Max & Resolume
  • Max & Resolume haave better online learning resources than the other platforms identified in research.
  • The LED system requires many more parts, making for a more cumbersome end product.
  • LED's do not allow for complex graphical output except in extremely expensive cutting-edge systems.
  • You can emulate the effect of LED's within Max for Live.
During this whole time I have been playing about with pre-existing projects and devices within Max for Live & Max in general, in order to try and familiarize myself with the layout and how it works.

I have found a number of projects on the Max for Live website that display similar characteristics to the ones I have previously identified as needed within this project, which is a great start. In the next weeks I will outline the different devices that generate graphics from audio.

The main issue I have found so far is no-one seems to have scaled the colour wheel to audio parameters yet, within Max. As my research identified this is easily achievable (with some clever maths). When it comes to said clever maths I might not be the man to implement it in Max, hopefully once I know who my project supervisor is they can help or point me in the right direction. I have already started to make contact with certain practioners within the scene, with little response luck to date, however I have started early so I am confident that I will have success there.

During the next few weeks I will also be putting together post detailing case studies and similar systems from youtube, vimeo etc. This is in order to identify ideas that I like and ideas I don't; this will aid me in the process of developing the most effective wasy of implementing the system in a room i.e. would projections mapping the generative graphics onto the speakers be more effective than a tradition 2D screen? 

So in summary, for the next two weeks, expect posts on the following topics.

  • Generative graphic devices withing Max for Live and Ableton
  • Projection mapping examples using Resolume Arena
  • Music that has been created with the visuals being considered as an integral part of the production and performance
  • Studio scenarios where the aesthetic has been strongly considered 


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