Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Taken a while, but im getting there with the Arduino and LED side of things

So yeah, turns out learning electronics isnt as easy as I first thought it would be. The thing I have found most difficult has been the parts, I have now got three seperate things wrong simply through not fully understanding exatcly what things were etc....

I have now managed to build a HSV or HSL (depending on which you prefer) LED controller for my lightstrip, through following a tutroial here -

LED HSV Fade Controller

And here are the results.... I had a few issues in loading up the arduino... For some reason the COM porting was wrong at first and again, through inexperience it took me a while to figure out.

I have been playing around with the code and I have figured out how to change loop times of the fade through colours... Although inexplicably the red LED seems to just stay on through the cycle, going to be trying to figure that out tomorrow.

Having said that, hopefully my 880 pin breadboard arrives and I can forget about this and gett on with the audio reactivity!

Anyways, here are some photos from this little side project. It has definately helped in terms of building my confidence with electronics. For example, I have stripped a 12v power supply back to bare wires and am using it for prototyping. I have never really done anything like this beffore, so frankly its a miracle I didnt violently electrocute myself. Still plenty of time to go though! ;)

These still dont show it very well, but the arduino is controlling the light cycle of the He Saturation and "Value", which you can think of as intensity. The resulting effect isnt quite audio reactivity, but for my first shot at electronics, Im pretty happy.

Now that my confidence is there, hopefully I can complete the reactive project, although it is slightly more complex!

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