Sunday, 7 December 2014

Introduction to Max 7

So it's been a while since my last post because of the fairly large amount of paperwork needing done, however I have been working in Max in my spare time. So rather than going over the breadth of devices available, I am going to focus in now on the devices I am using for development.

I am going to use my digital camera to record the screen rather than use screen grab software at this point as I am pushed for time. This is mostly for the benefit of the Pre-Production document so I can disseminate where I am at in the project properly.

So I touched on the fact that Max 7 had been released. I knew this was coming for a while, and I actually stopped my work in Max 6 that I was doing over the summer to wait for the release, as it is a huge platform upgrade. One of the main advancements is being able to develop and/or use max for live devices within Max, without Ableton actually being open. There have also been massive upgrades to the API and search index that make it massively easier to use and understand, which as someone who doesn't understand programming at a deep level was very appealing!

If you have ever used Max 6 or previous versions, then the picture above will probably look quite unfamiliar. In order to make a project look like this in Max 6, you would have had to take massive amounts of time. As of Max 7, these modular objects are now all drag and drop and contained within a neat search system, with great tagging and innovative ways of file searching.

They have also added a frankly incredible tutorial system that is built into the program. As time goes on, this tutorial section will be expanded, but it ships with 5 tutorials that show you a massive amount of what is new to Max 7

It is encouraging for this project that, with the exception of one tutorial, they are ll aimed at exploring the new ways Max 7 allows the user to manipulate sound and visuals. (Someone is looking out for me!)

At this point I would say it's advisable to go and get the 30 day free and fully working version of Max 7 from if you don't have it already, as this will allow you to inspect and play with the projects I have made through following tutorials. (Kenny, I'm looking at you)

Next post please....

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