Sunday, 7 December 2014

Visualising Music 3

For some typically obscure reason, my phone has decided not to record video anymore, which is annoying as I wanted to use that in place of screengrab software for now. Anyways, this is the most advanced and relevant of the tutorials featured on Max 7.

Here we really start to see the power of using the audio stream for control over visual parameters. Again using the "p turn" subpatchers mentioned in the last post, but with a different path for the VIZZIE data created from the amp and timbre data of the audio.

This utilises the "" and jit.mesh" objects within the JITTER catagory of Max 7. simply creates the window and container environment for the visuals to be created withing, however without it we wouldn't see anything, making it a vital part of the patch.

The "floating" and "erase_colour" are best left alone when you are playing, however you need to activate the patch to work by first clicking the "X" in the top left corner, then setting the audio to play as in the last tutorial.

The two green devices you see within the patch are again Beap object, "INTERPOL8R" and "SLIDR". These control parameters within the "jit.mesh" object below them (which you cannot see in the screen grab). They basically control the grid mesh graphics that can be created within jit.mesh.

Also control the jit.mesh object, is another object "" which has many functions, but in this case it is used to control the colour palette of the grid mesh.

When I took the screen grab I was in the middle of starting to iterate on this tutorial device, by using the amplitude data to control the colour palette. I will follow up this development in further posts, but once again, open this patch up and have a play.

The controls you are looking to use in the patch are those contained in the INTERPOL8R and SLIDR object. For some reason the interp mode on the INTERPOL8R object is a bit tempremental. It starts on a garunteed interpolation to create visuals. Some others work too, but some just make all the visuals disappear. Being honest I dont know why... What can I say, Im still learning!

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