Wednesday, 11 February 2015


So that's it done, finally all parts are ordered and paid for, so now I just have to wait for them to arrive!

Here is a parts list of what I have ordered, followed by my invoices for them from Amazon and Proto-Pic

1 x 220K ohm resistor

1 x 0.01uf Capacitor (50V)

2 x 0.1uf Capacitor (50V)

1 x 33pf Capacitor

3 x N Channel Mosfet 60V 16A

2 x Headphone Jack Input

1 x Gate Button

1 x 1K Ohm Potentiometer

1 x LED RGB 5M Light Strip, with power supply included.

2 x MSGEQ7 Frequency Splitting Chip

1 x Plug and Play Breadboard.

TOTAL: £70.79

The rest of the reciept from Amazon is very boring, I can assure you! Turns out the order actually consists of items from 9 seperate companies! Great :3

Here is confirmation of the Arduino and MSGEQ7 from Proto-Pic.

As you can see, the Arduino was unfortunately out of stock, however I emailed them asking when it would be back in and was assured it would next week. So not long!

The price may seem quite steep, however I have bought enough components to account for both speakers, so some aspects have had to have double the amount bought.

The longest it is saying I have to wait for some of the products is mid March, which is not ideal. However the Arduino, LED strip and MSGEQ7, which are all the key players in the project, will be here by mid next week. This means that while audio reactivity in the way I intend still lays just around the corner, I can certainly get started with experimenting with working in static colour and changing colour environments.

The next task for me is going to be doing some designs of how I intend to implement the system into a studio. The working idea currently is that I am going to be attaching the strips around the left, top and right sides of my monitor speakers. These will then be covered with a curved, frosted sheet of perspecs (is that how you spell it!?). Anyways, pictures of that to follow.

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