Sunday, 26 April 2015

Project Artefact Demos and Explanations Part 6 - My Music

I thought at this point I should show off one of the pieces I have made while using my Light Speaker in the studio. One thing I noticed about using it was it strongly encourages anybody using it to keep dynamics in their track and not go wild.

I dont have time to upload, but when playing Skrillex tracks, which are known to be among the loudest printed audio ever commercially released, basically the system just displays white, because all frequency bands are pushed so hard against the ceiling, even when a kick plays, there is lots of high end activity.

There has been a massive push back against this "loudness war" within the music industry. I strongly believe that with refinement, the Light Speaker could be used as a way of encouraging producers to stay away from their limiters, as it shows in a very visual manner the damage that over squashing does to audio.

During mixing, the light speaker should be dynamically shifting through colours, displaying the full rainbow. If you start to see the overall balance shifting towards white, then you are overcooking your mix and have to back of on your levels.

I think this is a very intuative and fun way of keeping an eye on what you are doing in terms of mixing audio and keeping clarity in your mix. Lot's of colour - GOOD. Lot's of white - BAD. Thats pretty easy to understand, right?

So as one of my final videos showing the Projection Mapping system in action, here is a tune I wrote using the Light Speaker as reference throughout.

As you can see, there is plenty of colour shifting, meaning the mix has not been overcooked. I found the process of writing with it genuinely insightful and fun. Even if no one else in the world finds a use for this, I certainly will, so in that respect it has been a resounding success.

In the accompanying portfolio there are many more video's of the two systems combined, including another piece I wrote using the Light Speaker called "Nightmares in the Light".

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